Right. Well, I've been back to school for about a month now, and I've gotten to know my teachers a bit better. So, here's the 411 on professors Yokell, Lang, and Mogan-Vallon:
Professor Yokell: I had him for Biology last semester. Great teacher, though he sometimes goes a bit too fast, my notes can't keep up (though, that's probably because I'm a slow writer).
Professor Lang: She's ... well, she knows what she's doing, that's clear enough. But she rubs me the wring way sometimes, I'm not quite sure why.
Professor Mogan-Vallon: AKA M-V. She's a great teacher. She's very helpful, for one thing. Also, she not only teaches us the math, but also how to use a graphing calculator.
Right, that's it for now. I'm trying to figure out how to post results from Quizilla without cutting off the edges, I'll let you know if I make any progress on that. Also, look forward to my report on Anime Boston, coming up in a month or so.