Hello everyone. Sorry for not posting last week, I was in New Jersey getting a couple of dental fillings. Now, my Nana and aunt will tell you their place has perfectly good internet. Don't listen to them. I had to mooch off the neighbors.
That aside, my aunt Chris is a very good cook, although she doesn't actually cook nearly often enough. I was only down there for three nights, the first I made my own dinner because it was late, and the third night we went out to eat. But the time she did make dinner, a pot roast with mashed potatoes and veggies, it was delicious. (Pro tip: When making a roast, just dump the veggies in with it and let them cook with the roast. The veggies then pick up a bit of the meaty flavor. This works very well with frozen vegetables as well.)
Now, meditation. I just want to say that this is a very effective trick when at the dentist or the doctor. It helps you pass the time and not be quite so bored, as well as helping distract you from the discomfort inherent in not being able to feel your lips. (Pro tip: When the dentist is applying the Novocain, DO NOT OPEN YOUR EYES!)
The Amtrak is just plain fun. It's not the fastest way to get someplace, but it's got big seats, a dining car, and power outlets at every seat. You can stand up and stretch, walking back to the dining car just to stretch your muscles, and pick up a snack while you're at it. ;) The trip back was fun because we drove through a constant snowstorm, and snow kept drifting into the space between the cars. (Pro tip: Put on your long duster coat when going between cars and boast about how you had to trudge through raging blizzards just to get to the next car.)
That's all for now. I'm working on another post to make up for my lack of one last week, so stay tuned for that.