Monday, December 1, 2008

*insert non-commital title here*

Hi everyone. Just posting to let you all know I haven't forgotten about this, I just haven't had the time to post, what with school, and finals coming up. So, here's a funny conversation I had with a friend the other day, to tide you over until after finals. Those of you who follow the lolcat phenomenom (nom nom nom) should get a chuckle out of this.

[23:14] foxbluetail: *laughs myself into a coughing fit*
[23:14] shadowpoint_omega: Woah, careful there.
[23:15] foxbluetail: Blargh... third I've had today.
[23:15] shadowpoint_omega: Yikes.
[23:15] shadowpoint_omega: Get some cough syrup, teah, and some rest.
[23:15] foxbluetail: *nods* I've had the first two.
[23:15] shadowpoint_omega: And some licorich.
[23:15] shadowpoint_omega: And a cheezburger.
[23:16] foxbluetail: Yeah... wants a cheezburger... *raises a paw* Can I haz Cheezburger? *smiles*
[23:16] shadowpoint_omega: :-P
[23:16] shadowpoint_omega: Hmmm, you wants bacon on dat?
[23:16] foxbluetail: Sure! I wantz three peezes, pleez!
[23:17] shadowpoint_omega: Here you goes!
[23:17] shadowpoint_omega: *hands you an invisible cheezburger*
[23:17] foxbluetail: *Omm nom nom nom nom*
Notice: This blog is best viewed in Firefox, I've had trouble viewing it properly in IE. Mozilla, if this directs even one person to get Firefox, you're welcome.