Monday, April 7, 2008

A Funny Chat

Allow me to post a rather amusing chat I had with a friend of mine over AIM today.

tolkeinm2 (10:30:28 PM): *hugabugbug*
Tameyoshi Ebina (10:30:51 PM): *hugabugablizzardbug*
tolkeinm2 (10:31:05 PM): *hughabugaserenitybug*
tolkeinm2 (10:31:09 PM): you're funneh :-D
Tameyoshi Ebina (10:31:32 PM): *hugaserenityblizzardbug*
Tameyoshi Ebina (10:31:57 PM): No, wait.
Tameyoshi Ebina (10:32:28 PM): *hugabugablizzardbugaserenitybugabug*
tolkeinm2 (10:32:53 PM): *hugabugaserenitybugblizardbugshadebug* :P
Tameyoshi Ebina (10:33:39 PM): *hugabugaserenitybugablizzardbugashadebugajadebug*
Tameyoshi Ebina (10:33:54 PM): Mmmm, bugs.....
tolkeinm2 (10:34:07 PM): *hugabugnekobugaserenitybugablizardashadeajadbug* :P
Tameyoshi Ebina (10:35:12 PM): *hugabugablizzardbugaserenitybugashadebugajadebuganekobugamantisbug*
Tameyoshi Ebina (10:35:17 PM): :-D
tolkeinm2 (10:35:19 PM): lol
tolkeinm2 (10:35:22 PM): that's too long for me :P
Tameyoshi Ebina (10:35:25 PM): lol
tolkeinm2 (10:36:12 PM): *hugabagablizzardbugaserenitybugashadebugajadebuganekobugamantisbugajantisbugbug*
Tameyoshi Ebina (10:37:53 PM): *hugabugablizzardbugaserenitybugashadebugajadebuganekobugamantisbugajantisbugawhaleofabugabigbugbug*
tolkeinm2 (10:38:30 PM): LOL

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