Sunday, April 6, 2008

New Mirror Site

So, I've put up a Mirror for this blog on Open Diary (hyperlink! whee!). For those of you who don't know, a Mirror is basically a copy of a website, just in case this one goes down somehow. I made this Mirror for 2 reasons.

1) If Blogger goes down / succumbs to the apocalypse, there will be another site from which to continue the fight.

2) People there actually comment. Hello, is a few words a bit too much to ask?

Anyways, have fun checking out my Mirror Site. Just FYI: I only copied the last few posts from this site. Why? Because I'm lazy, that's why. I don't feel like copy-pasting nearly a year's worth of posts. So there.
Notice: This blog is best viewed in Firefox, I've had trouble viewing it properly in IE. Mozilla, if this directs even one person to get Firefox, you're welcome.