Sunday, July 13, 2008

A Blogworthy Day

*yawns* What a day. Where to start...?

Well, I suppose it all began me and a friend (Linus, for those of you who know me) decided to go to the latest MTG prerelease. We hooked up with another friend (Alex) to, and went off to the prerelease together.

It was a fun event. I went 2-2 in my flight, which is the best I've ever done (sadly enough). But I made some good deals, and seriously pimped my Saproling deck.

Then, after the prerelease, I had a picnic dinner with my friends, then we went to a party at Voyagers, where we saw a fair number of our friends (not surprising, as that's where I've made most of my friends). And then we played a huge multiplayer game of Magic.

Let me set the scene for you. Enemies to the left of me. Enemies to my right. And in the middle, me, annoying the heck out of everyone with Rhys the Redeemed, Glare of Subdual, various Thallids, and a ton of token creatures. My enemies stare me down. And as they do, I go in for the kill!

Basically, I beat all four other players singlehandedly.

And then I caught a ride home with a friend, and that's how I end up here, telling you all this at well after midnight.

So ... yeah. Mental meltdown. Need ... sleep. Off to bed with me.

G'night y'all.

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